Then the Lord said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you.
The people are to go out EACH DAY and gather enough for that day.
In this way, I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions."
~ Exodus 16:4

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Accuser

One of the names of the enemy is the Accuser. It is his doing, when we have sought God's guidance and been as obedient as we knew how, and then remain in an agony of doubt as to whether God did guide, whether we really did obey. There is no end to the "proofs" the Accuser can present to sow doubt in our minds. "Hath God said?" (Gn. 3:1 AV) was the first seed he sowed in the mind of Eve, and he has had a great deal of practice at that kind of planting ever since.

It is to be expected that every decision made with the desire to be obedient to God will be attacked. Spread your doubts before the Lord. Pray for correction of any wrong in thinking or doing and for his word of assurance as to the action you must take. If there is nothing else required of you at this moment, leave it at that. Trust God. Put the whole weight of your doubts and cares on Him--that will foil the Accuser.

"It is God who pronounces our acquittal...It is Christ who pleads...our cause" (Rom. 8:33,34 EB).
~ Elisabeth Elliot,
from A Lamp for My Feet